Saturday, February 5, 2011

Maximizing the potential of data & information

The shift to electronic medical records has been a little shaky for some, but it has the potential to complement the (pending) health care reform very well. The electronic records could increase collaboration and communication between health care providers, and provide community & public health nurses with clear data to target their interventions. This article prompts nurse managers to embrace this shift to electronic records, and outlines some of the benefits.

Check out the video below-from Nursing Ideas-about a way to better utilize and maximize electronic records:

Standardizing and Collecting Nursing Data from Robert Fraser on Vimeo.

Then check out this video-from TED- for another perspective on how health care providers can advocate for their patients by providing information in an effective way:

Technology can help us shift the focus to preventive health...Are you embracing technology in your work or viewing it as another hindrance to your nursing care?